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Tax Grievance Nassau County-Inside Nassau’s Top Secret Under-Assessment Policy & Why You Could be Paying Twice What Your Neighbor Is

Nassau Property Tax Grievance, Tax Grievance Procedures

Nassau County Tax Grievance has been a hot button for years now in the press ever since the county was court ordered to reassess in 2002. The reassessment for better or worse has caused a multitude of issues for both Nassau County and its homeowners’. Then Ed Mangano, Nassau Counties current County Supervisor, who among other policies has frozen tax assessments for the past 3 years in a row,. This policy has added as much confusion as perhaps the entire reassessment itself, and remains a mainstay of his current 2013 re-election campaign.

“Mangano has been on a top secret mission to under-assess the entire counties assessment roll”

But what you have not seen in the press is the fact that Mangano has been on a top secret mission to under-assess the entire counties assessment roll. Under-assessing the counties roles is a brilliant solution in that, eventually, it will prohibit future property tax grievance challenges. The main problem is that in the mean time tax rates must increase in order for the county and school districts to fund their respective budgets. This, much like Obama Care, relies on every resident actually filing a grievance, if they don’t they will penalized by paying much higher tax bills. This is because Nassau residents who don’t file will get hit with the one two punch of a higher assessment in addition to a higher tax rate. As a result there will be thousands of Nassau homeowners paying twice as much as their neighbor.

“As a result there will be thousands of Nassau homeowners paying twice as much as their neighbor”

Bottom Line:

Due to Nassau’s counties current “under-assessment” policy, EVERY Nassau homeowner should file a property tax grievance each and every year. My firm, Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance has been successfully representing Nassau County Homeowners since 2006. I am proud of my companies over 98% success rate. Unlike some other companies we charge ABSOLUTELY NOTHING upfront and you won’t pay a dime unless we successfully lower your property tax bill!

“Remember, if you don’t grieve, you are effectively paying your neighbor’s property taxes.”

Put Our Property Tax Reduction Experts To Work For You!