Nassau County: (516) 342-4849
Suffolk County: (631) 302-1940
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Overview of Property Taxes on Long Island

Long Island, comprising Nassau and Suffolk counties, is well-known for its high property taxes, which rank among the highest in the United States. This article provides an in-depth exploration of Long Island property taxes, detailing the assessment process, tax rates, and the grievance procedure for homeowners looking to reduce their tax burdens.

Property taxes on Long Island are a significant source of revenue for local municipalities, funding essential services such as schools, road maintenance, and public safety. However, these taxes also represent a substantial financial burden for homeowners.

  1. Assessment Process: Properties on Long Island are assessed based on their market value, which is determined by local assessors. The assessment considers factors such as location, property size, and improvements.
  2. Tax Rates: Property tax rates in Nassau and Suffolk counties are notably high. The average effective property tax rate in Nassau County is approximately 2.24%, while in Suffolk County it is around 2.37%. These rates are significantly higher than the statewide average of 1.69% and the national average of 1.07%​.

Nassau Tax Grievance

Economic Impact of High Property Taxes

The high property taxes on Long Island have several economic implications:

  1. Home Affordability: Elevated property taxes can make homeownership less affordable, particularly for middle-income and lower-income families. This can lead to demographic shifts as people move to areas with lower tax burdens.
  2. Market Dynamics: High property taxes can affect the real estate market, influencing property values and sales. Properties with lower tax assessments may be more attractive to buyers, potentially impacting overall market trends.
  3. Public Services: While high taxes fund essential public services, there is a balance to be maintained. Excessively high taxes can strain homeowners, while insufficient funding can degrade the quality of local services.

The Property Tax Grievance Process

Homeowners on Long Island have the right to challenge their property assessments through a grievance process if they believe their property is over-assessed. Here’s an overview of the grievance procedure:

  1. Eligibility: Any property owner in Nassau or Suffolk County can file a tax grievance. This includes owners of residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
  2. Filing Period: The grievance filing periods differ between counties. In Nassau County, grievances can typically be filed from January 2nd to March 1st. In Suffolk County, the filing period usually runs from May 1st to the third Tuesday in May​ (Heller Tax Grievance)​.
  3. Grievance Process: The process involves submitting a formal complaint to the local tax assessor’s office, providing evidence that the property’s assessed value is higher than its market value. Evidence can include recent sales data of comparable properties, professional appraisals, and other relevant documentation.
  4. Professional Assistance: Homeowners may choose to hire tax grievance companies or attorneys to assist with the process. These professionals often work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if the grievance is successful.

Statistical Insights and Trends

Recent statistics highlight the extent of the property tax burden on Long Island:

  1. Median Property Tax: In Nassau County, the median property tax is approximately $8,711 per year for a home valued at the median price of $487,900. This translates to an effective tax rate of around 1.79%​ (​.
  2. Comparative Analysis: Long Island’s property tax rates are among the highest in the nation. For instance, the average property tax rate in Manhattan is just 0.88%, which is significantly lower than the rates in Nassau and Suffolk counties​ (Heller Tax Grievance)​.
  3. Grievance Outcomes: Many homeowners who file grievances successfully reduce their property tax bills. However, the success rate can vary based on the quality of the evidence provided and the specifics of each case.

Long-Term Strategies for Managing Property Taxes

In addition to filing grievances, homeowners can adopt several long-term strategies to manage their property tax burdens:

  1. Regular Assessments: Periodically review property assessments to ensure they reflect current market conditions. Staying informed about changes in the local real estate market can help identify over-assessments early.
  2. Tax Exemptions: Explore available tax exemptions, such as those for senior citizens, veterans, and persons with disabilities. These exemptions can provide significant tax relief.
  3. Home Improvements: Be mindful of how home improvements might affect property assessments and, consequently, tax obligations. While improvements can enhance property value, they can also increase the assessed value.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of local tax laws and policies. Changes in legislation or local government policies can impact property taxes and provide opportunities for tax relief.

Nassau Property Taxes Grievance

The Role of Property Tax Revenue in Long Island

Property taxes are the primary source of revenue for local governments on Long Island, playing a crucial role in funding essential services and infrastructure. This section delves into how property tax revenue is utilized and its significance for local communities:

  1. Education: A substantial portion of property tax revenue is allocated to public schools. This funding supports teacher salaries, school facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular activities. High property taxes often correlate with better-funded schools, which can enhance educational outcomes and property values in the area.
  2. Public Safety: Property taxes fund police and fire departments, ensuring that communities are safe and well-protected. These services are vital for maintaining public order and responding to emergencies, contributing to the overall quality of life on Long Island.
  3. Infrastructure Maintenance: Property tax revenue is used for maintaining and improving local infrastructure, including roads, bridges, public parks, and recreational facilities. Well-maintained infrastructure is essential for community development and economic growth.
  4. Public Services: Other critical public services funded by property taxes include sanitation, public health services, and social services. These services are essential for the well-being of residents, particularly vulnerable populations such as the elderly and low-income families.

Historical Trends in Long Island Property Taxes

Understanding the historical trends in property taxes on Long Island can provide insights into the current tax landscape and future projections. This section explores key trends and factors that have influenced property taxes over the years:

  1. Property Value Fluctuations: Over the past few decades, Long Island has experienced significant fluctuations in property values. Economic booms and busts, changes in the housing market, and broader economic conditions have all impacted property assessments and, consequently, property tax rates.
  2. Legislative Changes: Various legislative changes at the state and local levels have influenced property tax policies on Long Island. Notable examples include the implementation of the property tax cap in 2011, which aimed to limit the growth of property taxes and provide relief to homeowners.
  3. Demographic Shifts: Changes in the demographic composition of Long Island’s population, such as aging residents and shifts in household incomes, have also impacted property tax trends. These demographic shifts influence the demand for public services and the capacity to pay taxes.
  4. Economic Development: Efforts to promote economic development on Long Island, including initiatives to attract businesses and boost employment, have had mixed impacts on property taxes. While economic growth can expand the tax base, it can also lead to higher property values and increased tax burdens for homeowners.

Challenges in the Property Tax Grievance Process

While filing a property tax grievance can provide significant financial relief, homeowners often face several challenges during the process. This section highlights common obstacles and strategies to overcome them:

  1. Complex Procedures: The property tax grievance process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring detailed documentation and adherence to strict deadlines. Homeowners must navigate various forms, hearings, and appeals, which can be daunting without professional assistance.
  2. Access to Accurate Information: Gathering accurate and relevant information to support a grievance can be challenging. Homeowners need access to comparable property sales data, professional appraisals, and other evidence to make a compelling case.
  3. Lack of Awareness: Many homeowners are unaware of their right to file a grievance or the potential benefits of doing so. Public awareness campaigns and educational resources can help inform residents about the grievance process and encourage participation.
  4. Limited Success Rates: Not all grievances result in reduced assessments, and success rates can vary depending on the quality of evidence and the specific circumstances of each case. Engaging experienced professionals, such as tax grievance companies or attorneys, can improve the chances of a successful outcome.

Strategies for Effective Property Tax Management

Effective property tax management involves proactive measures to ensure that tax obligations are fair and manageable. This section outlines strategies that homeowners can adopt to manage their property taxes effectively:

  1. Regular Assessment Reviews: Homeowners should periodically review their property assessments and compare them with current market conditions. Staying informed about changes in property values can help identify potential over-assessments early.
  2. Utilizing Exemptions and Relief Programs: Exploring available property tax exemptions and relief programs can provide significant savings. For example, exemptions for senior citizens, veterans, and persons with disabilities can reduce tax obligations.
  3. Home Improvements and Tax Implications: Before making significant home improvements, homeowners should consider how these changes might affect their property assessments and taxes. Consulting with a tax professional can help understand the potential tax implications.
  4. Professional Assistance: Engaging professional services, such as tax grievance companies, attorneys, or financial advisors, can provide valuable expertise and support throughout the property tax management process. These professionals can offer insights, handle complex procedures, and increase the likelihood of successful tax reductions.

Impact of Property Taxes on Local Economies

The high property taxes on Long Island have profound effects on local economies, influencing both residents and businesses. These taxes, while essential for maintaining public services, can create financial pressures that shape the economic landscape in several ways:

  1. Housing Market Dynamics: High property taxes can deter potential homebuyers, particularly those looking for affordable housing options. This can lead to slower housing market growth and a potential decline in property values in some areas. As a result, communities may experience lower homeownership rates and increased rental markets.
  2. Business Environment: Businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, may find it challenging to operate in high-tax areas. Elevated property taxes can increase operational costs, making it harder for businesses to thrive. This can lead to reduced job creation and economic stagnation in certain regions.
  3. Population Shifts: High property taxes can drive residents to seek more affordable living conditions elsewhere, leading to population declines in high-tax areas. This demographic shift can result in a reduced tax base, further straining local budgets and potentially leading to cuts in public services.

Comparative Analysis with Other Regions

To understand the uniqueness of Long Island’s property tax situation, it’s helpful to compare it with other regions both within and outside New York State:

  1. New York City: Unlike Long Island, New York City has a relatively lower property tax rate, with an average effective rate of 0.88%. This significant difference can make New York City a more attractive option for some homeowners despite the higher cost of living in other aspects​ (Heller Tax Grievance)​.
  2. National Average: The national average property tax rate is approximately 1.07%, considerably lower than Long Island’s rates. States like Hawaii and Alabama have some of the lowest property tax rates, often below 0.5%, offering stark contrasts to the high taxes on Long Island.
  3. Northeastern States: Other states in the Northeast, such as New Jersey and Connecticut, also have high property tax rates. However, Long Island’s taxes remain among the highest, reflecting a broader regional trend of elevated property taxes in the Northeast​ (Heller Tax Grievance)​.

Legislative Efforts and Reforms

There have been various legislative efforts and reforms aimed at addressing the high property taxes on Long Island. These efforts include:

  1. Tax Cap Legislation: New York State has implemented a property tax cap that limits the annual growth of property taxes to 2% or the rate of inflation, whichever is lower. This cap aims to curb excessive tax increases and provide predictability for taxpayers.
  2. Assessment Reforms: Periodic reassessment initiatives have been undertaken to ensure property values are accurately reflected in tax assessments. Nassau County, for instance, has engaged in reassessment projects to correct disparities and ensure fairness in property taxation.
  3. Tax Relief Programs: Several tax relief programs are available for eligible homeowners, including exemptions for senior citizens, veterans, and disabled individuals. These programs are designed to provide targeted relief to those most affected by high property taxes.

Future Outlook and Recommendations

The future of property taxation on Long Island will likely involve continued efforts to balance the need for revenue with the goal of maintaining affordability for residents. Some recommendations for future action include:

  1. Enhanced Transparency: Improving the transparency of the assessment process can help homeowners understand how their property values are determined and ensure assessments are fair and accurate.
  2. Economic Development Initiatives: Encouraging economic development can broaden the tax base and reduce the reliance on property taxes. This can involve attracting new businesses and supporting existing ones to create a more robust local economy.
  3. Public Engagement: Increasing public engagement in the budgeting and tax assessment processes can help ensure that community needs are met while managing tax burdens. This can involve community forums, surveys, and other methods to gather input from residents.
  4. Ongoing Legislative Advocacy: Continuous advocacy for legislative reforms at the state level can help address systemic issues in property taxation. This can include pushing for adjustments to the tax cap, reassessment policies, and additional tax relief measures.

Property taxes on Long Island are a significant financial consideration for homeowners, influencing both personal finances and broader economic dynamics. By understanding the assessment process, staying informed about tax rates, and actively engaging in the grievance process when necessary, homeowners can manage their tax burdens more effectively. Long-term strategies, combined with a proactive approach to property assessments and tax grievances, can lead to substantial financial savings and greater peace of mind for Long Island residents.For more detailed information, consider speaking with one of our representatives at Heller Tax Grievance or utilize our online tools

How to File for Property Tax Grievance : The Complete Guide


Property tax grievance is a process that allows homeowners to challenge the assessed value of their properties, potentially reducing their property tax bills. If you feel that your property’s assessed value is too high and you want to lower your tax liability, this guide is for you. In this article, we will walk you through the entire process of filing for property tax grievance, offering expert insights, tips, and answers to common questions.

In this section, we’ll provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to file for property tax grievance successfully.

Determine Your Eligibility

Before proceeding, it’s essential to determine if you qualify for a property tax grievance. Check your local regulations and research to see whether your property’s assessed value seems unfairly high compared to similar properties in your area. You can check your properties assessment and tax information by visiting Nassau County’s Land Record website at

Gather Supporting Documents

To make a strong case for your grievance, collect all relevant documents, comparable property sales data and any evidence of property damage or issues that may affect its value.

Related:  Why You Should Consider a Professional Agency

Nassau Tax Grievance

File a Grievance Application

Filing for a Nassau County tax grievance takes place from January 1st to early March 1st. Your application will first be filed with the Assessment Review Commission (ARC) and will be negotiated by the commission. If they believe a reduction is warranted, they will make you an offer. If you are not satisfied with the offer, you can appeal your case in Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR)

Submit a formal grievance application to your local assessor’s office. Be sure to follow their specific guidelines and deadlines, which can vary depending on your location.

Prepare for the Hearing

If you decide to appeal your decision from ARC in SCAR, you will have the opportunity to present your case at a grievance hearing. Prepare any supporting documents, such as photographs or expert appraisals, and be ready to articulate your reasons for disputing the assessment.

Attend the Hearing (if required)

If a hearing is scheduled, attend it with all your evidence and be respectful and professional in your presentation. Be prepared to answer any questions from the assessor or the review board.

Await the Decision

After the hearing (if applicable), you will receive a decision on your property tax grievance. If your grievance is approved, your property’s assessed value may be reduced, resulting in lower property taxes.

property tax grievance 2024

Monitor Your Future Assessments

Even if your grievance is successful, it’s crucial to stay vigilant about future property assessments. Nassau County assessments are subject to adjustments year over year. Review your property’s assessed value annually to ensure it remains fair and accurate.

Related: Why are property taxes so high in Long Island

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does the property tax grievance process typically take?

The duration of the property tax grievance process can vary depending on your location and the complexity of your case. On average, a case can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to settle from the date of the original filing.

Is there a fee for filing a property tax grievance?

The filing fee for a property tax grievance also varies by location. In Nassau County, to file a grievance with the Assessment Review Commission does not cost you anything. If you are to file an appeal with Small Claims Court, the fee to do so is $30 dollars.

What happens if my property tax grievance is denied?

If your grievance is denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision in small claims court. Consult with legal counsel or seek guidance from your local assessor’s office on the next steps.

Submit a formal grievance application to your local assessor’s office. Be sure to follow their specific guidelines and deadlines, which can vary depending on your location.

Can I file a property tax grievance for commercial properties?

Yes, property tax grievances can be filed for both residential and commercial properties. The process and requirements may differ, so it’s essential to understand the specific rules for your property type.

Are there any risks involved in filing a property tax grievance?

While there are no direct risks to filing a property tax grievance, it’s essential to be prepared for the possibility of your grievance being denied. In such cases, you may not achieve the desired reduction in property taxes. However, your taxes will not increase because of you filing the grievance.

How often can I file a property tax grievance?

In Nassau County, you can file a tax grievance each year on your property between January to March. It is recommended to file each year as assessments may be adjusted and the local real estate market can fluctuate year over year. If there is the opportunity for a reduction, you do not want to miss out on it simply because you did not file in time.

Related: Long Island Property Tax Myths and Misconceptions


Filing for property tax grievance can be a valuable way to lower your property tax burden if you believe your property’s assessed value is too high. By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying informed about local regulations, you can maximize your chances of success. Remember to gather supporting documents, meet deadlines, and be prepared for the possibility of a hearing. With determination and the right information, you can take control of your property taxes and potentially save money.

Ultimate Guide for Handling Property Taxes in Nassau County (2023)

Ultimate Guide for Handling Property Taxes in Nassau County (2023)

Whether you’re in Nassau County, NY for your career, the award-winning schools, or historic golf courses, you deserve the peace of mind from knowing you’re getting the best possible property tax rate. At Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance, we have you covered!

Our company holds the reputation of having the highest property tax reductions of any other tax company in Long Island. That means when you choose us, you’re choosing the one firm that has proven countless times that we’re great at saving our clients money now and in the long run.

Table of Contents

  • A Proven System In a Notoriously Expensive County
  • Nassau County Property Tax Breakdown:
  • Curious About Previous Taxes?
  • How is Property Tax Assessed?
  • Calculate Your Personal Nassau County Property Tax Rate:
  • 2019 Median Tax Bill Data:
  • 2021 Nassau County Municipal Tax Rates
  • Nassau County Property Tax Rates for School Districts (2021)
  • Sample School District Tax Rates:
  • Town of North Hempstead:
  • Town of Oyster Bay:
  • Property Tax Exemptions:
  • STAR Program
  • Veterans’ Exemptions
  • Senior Citizens’ Exemption
  • Limited Income/Disabilities Exemption
  • First Responders’ Exemption
  • How to Make a Tax Payment
  • Individual Municipality Tax Payment Instructions
  • Long Beach Instructions
  • Hempstead Instructions
  • Glen Cove Instructions
  • North Hempstead Instructions
  • Oyster Bay Instructions
  • How Much Is Property Tax in Nassau County, and When Are Taxes Due?
  • How Do I Pay My Tax Bill?
  • Is It Easy to Begin the Tax Grievance Process?

A Proven System In a Notoriously Expensive County

Nassau County, NY, is already known as one of the most expensive places in the U.S. Let’s make sure property taxes don’t add to that total. With some of the country’s highest real estate property taxes, purchasing a home or property on Long Island can be daunting!

If you rely upon Nassau County officials to reassess or determine your rates, you may end up paying thousands extra per year. But when you work with us at Heller Tax Grievance, you can rest easy knowing that we’ll labor tirelessly to get you the lowest legally allowed percentage.

Proof that our method works: We have saved our clients over $60,000,000 in recent years, with some property tax bills slashed by over $80,000 over a 10-year span (calculated at today’s max rate).

We all love saving money, but you might be wondering who benefits from our service, and the answer is clear: anyone dealing with property taxes! This includes real estate agents, homeowners, first-time buyers, and commercial property landlords. If you have a property tax bill in Nassau county, we can help you get the lowest possible rate.

What now? Check out our quick guide on what you need to know about our services, and then start planning what you’ll do with your anticipated savings!

Nassau County Property Tax Breakdown:

Ever wondered what goes into your property tax total? For residents of Nassau County, the answer will depend upon where you live and will potentially include any of the following:

  • Nassau County Taxes
  • Municipality Taxes
  • Village Taxes
  • School District Taxes
  • Special District Taxes

Why are some of these numbers in a property tax bill? Shouldn’t schools be funded through county tax rates? While some counties, such as Suffolk , include school taxes in their county rates, Nassau County tacks it onto their property bills.

During the annual budget meeting for each tax district, revenue from the State of New York (including sales tax, user fees, and aid) is totaled up and compared against the district’s needs. Whatever amount is still needed to reach the budget goal is then turned into a property tax rate.

Curious About Previous Taxes?

Whether you are in need of a copy of your tax bill or are simply curious about previous rates, your records are viewable online.

The Nassau County Land Records Viewer lets you see historical tax data after entering your address, SBL, or landmark information.

Other information you can get from the Land Records Viewer:

  • Nassau County Tax District Boundaries
  • Present and Past Tax Data
  • Previous Tax Payments
  • Assessment Roll Information
  • Property Tax Assessment Photographs
  • Tax Exemption Lists and Amounts
  • Comparable Home Sales

Beyond the Land Records Viewer, local municipalities also offer options for looking up individual property taxes:

How is Property Tax Assessed?

While the total revenue earned through property taxes is determined in annual district meetings, individual tax assessment is determined based on your home’s assessed value.

What is your property’s assessed value? It is the market value of your home multiplied by your individual district’s level of assessment (LOA).

This means that your property’s tax assessment could vary from 5% all the way to 100% market value, depending upon your municipality’s LOA.

Because municipalities differ in their LOAs, New York uses equalization rates.

What is an equalization rate? It is the total assessed value of a property divided by its total market value. These rates are necessary because assessment percentages differ based on municipality, there is no set assessment percentage, and more than 700 of New York’s schools function within multiple tax districts.

Calculate Your Personal Nassau County Property Tax Rate:

Given that Nassau County is one of the most expensive counties in the United States, it is no surprise to learn that Nassau County residents pay more than 4x what the average American pays in property taxes.

While SmartAsset places Nassau County’s average tax rate at 2.24%, it is worth remembering that property tax amounts and percentages vary based on individual municipalities. To give you an idea of this variability: tax rates in Nassau County can range from .03 to 18.05 per $1,000, along with school district tax rates stretching from 10.68 to 42.63 per $1,000.

2019 Median Tax Bill Data:

  • Nassau County’s median tax bill: $14,872
  • Suffolk County’s median tax bill: $9,472
  • New York median tax bill: $8,081

Ever wondered how to calculate your individual tax rate? Or curious how your property taxes compare to your friend’s or family’s bills? While there are online calculators available to help you predict your property tax amount, below is a quick sketch of how to find the estimate yourself.

Calculate your Nassau County Property Tax:

Before calculating your property tax rate, you will need to know the following:

  • Your home’s market value
  • Your municipality’s LOA (level of assessment)
  • Your municipality’s tax rate

Take your home’s market value and multiply it by the equalization rate. This number will give you your total assessed value.

Next, multiply your total assessed value by the tax rate of your municipality’s LOA.

Consider the following example:

“Property in Roslyn Heights in the Town of North Hempstead has a full market value of $717,000. The uniform percentage of value is 0.10. That results in an assessed value of $717. The town and county assess at 100% of this assessed value.

You can then multiply this taxable assessed value by the municipality’s tax rate.”

Municipal and School District Tax Rates:

The 2021 Nassau County tax rate was 5.15 per $1,000; however, this tax rate does not include the municipal, school district, or special district taxes. Below is information on the 2021 municipal and school taxes, but you should always check with your local district for the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of taxes.

2021 Nassau County Municipal Tax Rates

Municipality Tax Rate (Per $1,000 of Full Value)
City of Glen Cove 7.45
City of Long Beach 7.21
Town of Hempstead 2.58
Hempstead villages 1.85 (East Rockaway) to 18.05 (Hempstead)
Town of North Hempstead 1.49
North Hempstead villages 0.92 (Plandome Heights) to 7.36 (Lake Success)
Town of Oyster Bay 4.60
Oyster Bay villages 0.68 (Farmingdale) to 5.32 (Centre Island)

Nassau County Property Tax Rates for School Districts (2021)

Municipality Equalization Rate Tax Rate (Per $1,000 of Full Value)
City of Glen Cove 100.0 7.45
City of Long Beach 3.28 7.21
Town of Hempstead 0.18 2.58
Town of North Hempstead 0.17 1.49
Town of Oyster Bay 0.17 4.60

Head to the 2022 Nassau County Assessment Rolls to see information on current tax rates, equalization rates, and assessment levels.

Sample School District Tax Rates:

  • Town of Hempstead:
  • Westbury: 9.57
  • Uniondale: 11.60
  • Freeport: 16.33
  • Hempstead: 18.31
  • Merrick: 33.42
  • Hewlett-Woodmere: 33.97
  • North Bellmore: 34.31
  • Levittown: 42.53

 Town of North Hempstead:

  • Great Neck: 14.0
  • Manhasset: 14.21
  • Roslyn: 20.40
  • Herricks: 29.77
  • East Willston: 29.78
  • Jericho: 37.14

Town of Oyster Bay:

  • Roslyn: 10.68
  • Jericho: 20.72
  • Syosset: 24.12
  • Farmingdale: 26.95
  • Plainedge: 33.89

Property Tax Exemptions:

Reduce the property tax amount you owe by making a portion of the assessment exempt. These exemptions are available based on physical/mental limitations, income limitations, and service status (veterans, volunteer firefighters, and ambulance workers).

Note: property tax exemptions must be filed on or before January 2nd, 2023 for the 2023/2024 programs.

STAR Program

This school tax relief (STAR) program offers property tax exemptions to eligible homeowners in New York State.

There are two ways to be eligible for this tax exemption and to receive checks from New York State to help with property tax amounts.

Basic STAR Program: This program mails checks annually to help pay for school taxes for applicants who meet the criteria. To be eligible for this program, your primary residence’s household income (calculated using the homeowner’s and homeowner’s spouse’s incomes) must not exceed $500,000.

Enhanced STAR Program: available to senior citizens who qualify for and meet certain income requirements.

Veterans’ Exemptions

Qualifying veterans have access to property tax exemptions, including taxes from counties, towns, and school districts.

Senior Citizens’ Exemption

While special district taxes cannot be reduced, qualifying senior citizens can receive property tax exemptions ranging from 5% to 50% of Nassau County’s county, town, and school district taxes.

Limited Income/Disabilities Exemption

Homeowners with substantial imitations are eligible for up to a 50% property tax exemption.

First Responders’ Exemption

After five years of service, volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers are eligible for a 10% property tax exemption in Nassau County.

How to Make a Tax Payment

During tax season, the Receiver of Taxes is responsible for collecting each municipality’s annual property taxes. After the collection window closes, roughly two weeks after the tax deadline, delinquent taxes must be paid through the Nassau County Treasurer’s Office.

Checks can be mailed to

Nassau County Treasurer

1 West Street

Mineola, NY 11501

If you need assistance making a payment or navigating the treasurer’s website, you can call 516.571.2090 x 13715 for assistance Monday – Friday from 9 am – 4:30 pm.

Individual Municipality Tax Payment Instructions

Long Beach Instructions

Long Beach, NY Tax Department

Address: City of Long Beach Tax Department, City Hall

1 West Chester Street, Room 300

Phone: 516.431.1008

Head to the City of Long Beach Online Portal to make property tax payments.

Tax Due Dates:

  • First half city tax: July 1 through July 31
  • Second half general tax: July 1 through Aug. 10
  • First half school tax: Oct. 1 through Nov. 10
  • Second half city tax: Jan. 1 through Jan. 31
  • First half general tax: Jan. 1 through Feb. 10
  • Second half school tax: Apr. 1 through May 10

Hempstead Instructions

Hempstead, NY Tax Department

Address: 200 N. franklin Street, First Floor

Hempstead, NY 11550

Phone: 516.538.1500

Head to the City of Hempstead Online Portal to make property tax payments.

Tax Due Dates:

  • First half school tax: Oct. 1 through Nov. 10
  • First half general tax: Jan. 1 through Feb. 10
  • Second half school tax: Apr. 1 through May 10
  • Second half general tax: July 1 through Aug. 10

Glen Cove Instructions

Glen Cove, NY Tax Department

Address: City of Glen Cove, 9 Glen Street

Glen Cove, NY 11542

Phone: 516.676.2000

Head to the City of Glen Cove Online Portal to make property tax payments.

Tax Due Dates:

  • First half city tax: Dec. 1 through Jan 10
  • First half county tax: Jan. 1 through Feb. 10
  • Second half school tax: Feb. 1 through March 1
  • Second half city tax: June 1 through July 10
  • Second half county tax: July 1 through Aug. 10
  • First half school tax: Aug. 1 through Sept. 1

North Hempstead Instructions

North Hempstead, NY Tax Department:

Address: North Hempstead Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road,

Manhasset, NY 11030

Phone: 516.627.4204

Head to the Town of North Hempstead Online Portal to make property tax payments.

Tax Due Dates:

First half school tax: Oct. 1 through Nov. 10

First half general tax: Jan. 1 through Feb. 10

Second half school tax: Apr. 1 through May 10

Second half general tax: July 1 through Aug. 10

Oyster Bay Instructions

Oyster Bay, NY Tax Department

Address: Town Hall, 54 Audrey Ave,

Oyster Bay, NY 11771

Phone: 516.624.6400

Head to the City Oystery Bay Online Portal to make property tax payments.

Tax Due Dates:

  • First half general tax: Jan. 1 through Feb. 10
  • Second half general tax: July 1 through Aug. 10
  • First half school tax: Oct. 1 through Nov. 10
  • Second half school tax: Apr. 1 through May 10

Contact the Nassau County Department of Assessment:

The Nassau County Department of Assessment has over 423,000 properties to assess and is responsible for:

  • Collecting and storing data on residential, commercial, and industrial properties
  • Maintaining property records
  • Maintaining tax maps
  • Handling property tax exemption applications for the STAR programs (both Basic and Enhanced)

If you have any questions about how property tax assessment, property records, or other public inquiries you can contact the Nassau County Department of Assessment Monday – Friday from 8 am – 4:30 pm at

240 Old Country Road, 4th Floor

Mineola, NY 11501

  1. 516.571.1500

Ready to File a Tax Grievance and Save Money?

While property taxes in Nassau County are some of the highest in the country, Heller Tax Grievance has a strong history of helping reduce these prices to their lowest, legally allowed rate.

For a commitment-free look at your potential savings, call one of our experts at 516.342.4849 or go online for a free quote. Our application process is simple, and we only get paid if you see a reduction in your property tax rate.

Start your grievance process today!

Our expert staff, coupled with our completely virtual process, means finding out what you can save on taxes is as easy as going online or giving us a call.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of our services, don’t miss the appeals window. This process must begin before your new property tax amount is billed.

The next deadline for Nassau County property tax appeals is March 1st, 2024.

How Much Is Property Tax In Nassau?


How Much Is Property Tax in Nassau County, and When Are Taxes Due?

A brief breakdown of property tax rates and due dates is available above, but you should always check with your local municipality for the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of taxes and deadlines.

How Do I Pay My Tax Bill?

For most municipalities, you can pay your taxes online during the payment window. However, once the deadline has passed, you may need to pay your tax bill directly with the Nassau County Treasurer. More information on this process is provided above.

Is It Easy to Begin the Tax Grievance Process?

Yes! When working with Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance, the process is made easy. You fill out our online form or give us a call, and we handle the rest. Our hassle-free process is completely virtual, which means no one shows up at your home! Plus, we only get paid if you do, which means you have nothing to lose by giving us a call.

Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance can help you lower your property taxes. Contact us today for a free quote and start saving money


Can I Grieve My Property Taxes Every Year?

Can I Grieve My Property Taxes Every Year?

For those living on Long Island, property taxes may already account for their highest house-related expense. According to, the average yearly property tax paid by Nassau County residents amounts to about 8.26% of their annual income. And in Suffolk County, it amounts to about 7.57% of their yearly income. When property taxes go up, this adds more of a financial burden for many who own a home in Nassau County or Suffolk County.

Let’s take a look at more stats from Nassau County has one of the highest median property taxes in the U.S. and is ranked 2nd of the 3,143 counties in the U.S. in order of median property taxes. Suffolk County comes in at number 12 in order of median property taxes.

There are many advantages to living on Long Island, including the closeness to NYC and all it offers for work and cultural opportunities. And Long Islanders have access to many beautiful beaches on the Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. But high property taxes are a constant concern for homeowners. However, there is a way to reduce your tax burden and make living in your Long Island home more affordable. It’s filing a tax grievance every year.

How did property taxes come to be?

Property taxes date back to colonial times in the U.S. By the late 1790s, 14 of the 15 states taxed land, with four also taxing inventory (i.e., livestock). Delaware was the one state that did not tax property by instead the income from it. States had different definitions of what could be taxed. Some would tax quantity, others quality. Some would tax all of the property, and some would tax specific objects. By the end of the Civil War, many state constitutions had adopted that property taxes be more uniform and assessed based on value.

Today, property tax is based on your municipality’s tax rate, as well as your property value. Your school district (which accounts for two-thirds of property tax levy) and other tax districts set annual budgets. Your share of the taxes that will be raised for school and general municipal purposes like renovating school buildings, adding school programs, building roads, or hiring police in your community is based on an annual property assessment. The more your home is worth, the higher your taxes will be.

Is it really possible to get my taxes lowered?

If you never grieve your taxes, your tax bills will most likely never go down, only up. For your tax bill to not go up, you need to have your assessment lowered. The way to do that is to file a property tax grievance. And yes, you can file a tax grievance every year. A property tax grievance is a formal complaint filed contesting a town’s assessed value of a specific property. After you file a tax grievance, the local BAR (Board of Assessment Review in Suffolk)  or ARC (Assessment Review Commission in Nassau) will review your assessment to see if a reduction is justified. If the BAR or ARC denies your grievance, you can file an appeal in the NYS Supreme Court, SCAR division within a 30-day time frame to determine if your house is overvalued for tax purposes.

Will I get penalized if I grieve my property taxes every year?

The important thing to know is that your assessment will never increase because you file a tax grievance every year. That’s the law in the state of New York. There is no disadvantage to grieving your taxes every year, but you may or may not get a reduction. But just because you may not get a reduction one tax year doesn’t mean you can’t get a decrease the following year. And reductions can and do happen multiple years in a row.

property tax grievance company

Grieving Your Taxes is Easier with the Help of a Tax Grievance Company

You can file a tax grievance on your own, but there is an easier way.

Hiring an experienced tax grievance specialist provides you with the knowledge necessary to win your tax grievance case. It’s worth it to make sure you get the best representation possible. Without the training and education of a tax professional, you may not get your desired outcome. When it comes to filing a tax grievance, there is legal terminology involved. If misunderstood, it can lead to incorrectly filing, missing deadlines, and not having the upper hand with local court systems. At Heller and Associates, we have extensive experience filing grievances in Nassau County and Suffolk County and have saved homeowners thousands of dollars each year since 2007. We have many clients who grieve their taxes every year.

Whether you Stay or Plan to Go – Grieving your Taxes is a Good Idea.

If you are thinking about selling your home in a year or two, you may think, why should I bother grieving my taxes? Because lower taxes make your property more marketable. Taxes are a significant consideration for people who are in the market for a new home. If your property taxes are higher than others in your neighborhood, prospective buyers may overlook your property and search for other properties with lower taxes.

Get Help Filing Your Tax Grievance

If you are in Suffolk or Nassau County in Long Island and need assistance in appealing your property’s value and getting a better rate on your property taxes, give us a call in Nassau County: (516) 342-4849 or Suffolk County: (631) 302-1940. We will explain everything involved and not charge you a penny until we secure you a lower tax rate.



Tips for Lowering Your Property Tax Bill

Tips for Lowering Your Property Tax Bill

Property taxes pay for numerous things within your community. From funding fire departments to maintaining local parks, to paying for schools, the revenue generated from property taxes goes towards making your community a better place to live.

Unfortunately, all that goodness doesn’t mean that your tax bill might seem a little bit on the high side.

Although beneficial, property taxes can be a financial burden – especially as they have the tendency to rise steadily over time.

While you’ll always have to pay your taxes, you can get a break. Here are a few simple ways to lower your property tax bill to a more manageable level, while still supporting your community.

Understand Your Bill 

Before you can do anything to change your tax bill, you need to understand where the numbers come from.

Property taxes are calculated by using two numbers: the tax rate, and the current market value of your property. The tax rate is set by law, and although it can change every year, there’s nothing you can really do about your municipal tax rate.

So, if you’re looking to change your property taxes, you’ll need to focus in on your home’s current market value.

Determining Value

To determine your home’s current value, an assessor, hired by the local government, reviews your property. The assessor may actually come to your property; however, they often value your property remotely, using old records, software, and tax rolls. That’s why it’s important to review the inventory your town or county has for your home.  Things like an extra bathroom, an old deck or inground pool which no longer exists can cause your tax bill to be higher than it should.  These records are available on your assessor’s website for most, some homeowners may have to pay a visit to their local town or county offices.

Once your property’s value is determined, the tax office multiplies said value by the tax rate, then sends you the bill.

Making a Change

So, how can you change your tax bill? The only real way is to get an assessor to adjust the perceived market value of your home.

A Property’s Market Value is based on a few factors, many of which are relative. The market value takes into consideration everything from the structural wellbeing of your property, any recent sale prices, the sale prices of other comparable homes in the neighborhood and even your home’s “curb appeal” – or how nice it looks from the outside when you first see the home from the curb.

Some of these things, such as sale prices of other homes, are out of your control, however, you can make sure that any other facts that are determining the value of your home are correct and up to date. Go down to the tax assessor’s office and ask for your tax card. It’s a compilation of all the information the municipality has collected about your property over time, from lot size to room dimensions to features, fixtures, and renovations.

Review the card and point out any discrepancies – they’re more common than you think, and the tax office has an obligation to correct them and reassess your home.

If everything’s in order, then it’s time to go a bit deeper to update your tax bill.

Look to Your Neighbors

Home values are available to the public at the tax office, so when you’re going to check your own tax card, have a glance at other homes in the neighborhood. While you can’t change the property value of your neighbors, you can use their bills as a base argument for your own.

For example, let’s say your four-bedroom, single car garage home is valued at $500,000, yet your neighbor’s four-bedroom, two-car garage home with a swimming pool was only valued at $375,000. That discrepancy is a very convincing argument to get your local tax assessor to re-evaluate your home – preferably, this time, on an in-person walk-through.

Check for Exemptions

Look to see if you qualify for a tax exemption. New York State Property Tax Exemptions include:

  • STAR (School Tax Relief)
  • Senior citizens exemption
  • Veterans’ exemption
  • Exemption for persons with disabilities
  • Exemptions for agricultural properties

Walk This Way

When you’ve got a tax assessor coming to your home, you should be there every step of the way. You don’t want the evaluation to focus on only the visible, positive features of your home. A new fireplace or marble counters can easily outshine old windows or small cracks in the ceiling, so you’ll want to be there with the assessor to be sure that both the positive and negative qualities of your home are being counted towards its perceived market value.

File a Tax Grievance

If you’ve done all you can and haven’t managed to get your tax assessment office to lower your property tax, you still have the option of filing a tax grievance. A property tax grievance is a formal complaint, filed on your behalf, against your town’s assessed value on your property based upon comparable sales. This is the most effective way for most homeowners to reduce their tax bill.

You don’t have to do it alone either. Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance has achieved record reductions in property tax savings for homeowners in Nassau County and Suffolk County. Apply online today.

Everything You Need to Know About Tax Grievance on Long Island

Everything You Need to Know About Tax Grievance on Long Island

What Information Do You Need To Know About Tax Grievance?

  • What a tax grievance is
  • How property taxes are assessed
  • How to qualify for a tax grievance
  • Do you need a professional to grieve your taxes?

What is a tax grievance?

 A tax grievance occurs when the property owner feels they are overpaying on their property tax, or that the value of their home is less than the town has assessed. Information is then collected to determine whether or not a tax grievance can be filed. The tax grievance service then does its own assessment of the property. If it is determined that the property has been over-assessed by the town, or its taxes are higher than they should be, a tax grievance company can begin the tax reduction process.

If the tax grievance company cannot determine that the property has been over-assessed, the property owner will receive a letter stating that there is not a viable tax grievance case. In addition, the tax assessment for surrounding homes does not determine the taxes on a particular property. There is a possibility that other homes in the neighborhood are under-assessed and cannot be used as a baseline for comparison.

Property tax reduction can be done for both commercial and personal properties. If a tax has been imposed on a property within a town’s jurisdiction, and if someone is paying those taxes, a grievance can be filed. A tax grievance company works closely with residents to get them the lowest tax reduction possible, regardless of whether it is a commercial or personal property.

Interested in filing a property tax grievance in Suffolk or Nassau county? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about finding a tax reduction consultant and filing a tax grievance on Long Island!

 How Property Taxes Are Assessed

 Every town places a value on each piece of property, including the surrounding land, and the property owner is required to pay taxes based on the assessment. These taxes are used to fund local establishments, such as schools, law enforcement services, and water and sewage services. The taxes paid essentially help the town/county maintain itself, funding jobs that are not otherwise paid for but are a necessity for the area.

Per the assessed value, the property owner pays the particular amount that the town prompts them to. At times, property owners feel that their property taxes are above average and are interested in taking action to decrease their payments. Property tax reduction can be attempted only after a tax grievance has been filed.


How Filing a Tax Grievance Affects Property Taxes and Other Programs

 Many property owners are concerned that filing for a property tax refund will affect not only their taxes directly but also programs associated with their taxes. Fortunately, property tax exemptions will not change after a grievance is filed. Increasing taxes on a property due to filing a tax grievance is illegal. Tax consultants assess the property before filing a grievance petition with the town, and if there is not an adequate difference in the assessments, no petition will be filed.

Additionally, filing for a tax grievance will not affect STAR or VA programs. Filing for a property tax reduction helps you save money, cannot increase your tax payments or alters current programs you are associated with. Since the tax reduction consultants perform the assessment based on the town’s public information, no officials will be visiting your home for any reason. Everything is assessed based on public information so it will come at no surprise to the officials who assess the town’s properties.

 How To Qualify and How Often You Can File

 Once you have contacted a tax reduction service, an assessment will be done on your property. This information will be cross-referenced with the public records that the town has on file. If it is determined, by the tax reduction service, that the property is over-assessed, you qualify to file a tax reduction petition.

Fortunately, if your petition is denied by the town, you can file a new petition every year. Since the value of your home relies on the constantly fluctuating real estate market, there is always an opportunity to file for a tax grievance in every new year.


The Process of Filing For a Tax Grievance

 In Suffolk County:

Step 1: File your tax grievance petition with your local BAR (Board of Assessment Review) by the filing deadline

 Step 2: It is common at this point to receive a denial 2-3 months after filing

 Step 3: After you have received your denial, you can file an appeal in the NYS Supreme Court, SCAR division within a 30-day time frame

 Step 4: After filing with the SCAR division, you have only 10 days to serve a copy of your appeal/SCAR petition to your local Treasurer, Town Assessor, Town Clerk, and school district

 Step 5: Wait 6-18 months for your court date

 Step 6: At this point, you will be presenting your tax grievance case in court

If you are filing your petition solely by yourself, without a tax grievance specialist, you are responsible for presenting your case against the experienced town assessor.

In Nassau County:

Step 1: File your tax grievance petition with your ARC (Assessment Review Commission) by the filing deadline

 Step 2: It is typical to receive a denial 6-12 months later

 Step 3: After you have received your denial, you can file an appeal in the NYS Supreme Court, SCAR division within a 30-day time frame

 Step 4: After filing with the SCAR division, you have only 10 days to serve a copy of your appeal/SCAR petition to your local Treasurer, Town Assessor, Town Clerk, and school district.

 Step 5: Wait 4-6 months for your court date

 Step 6: At this point, you will be presenting your tax grievance case in court

 Once again, if you are filing your petition without a tax grievance specialist, you are responsible for presenting your case against the town assessor, they’ll handle the entire process for you.

Note that Suffolk Counties filing date is always the third Tuesday in May, with the next deadline being May 21, 2019. The property tax reduction filing deadline for Nassau County is always set at March 1st but this year has been moved to April 30, 2019.

Unfortunately, many property owners miss these deadlines simply due to procrastination. There are many benefits to filing early, including additional time for the tax reduction consultants to thoroughly fight your case. The later you file, the less time they will have to put together a quality petition. File today to prevent missing the deadline for Nassau and Suffolk Counties!


Selling Your Home? Filing A Tax Grievance Can Still Benefit You

 Thinking of selling your home within the next couple of years? Not sure why you would want to put the time and effort into filing a tax grievance when you will be moving from the property soon? The answer is simple – lower taxes equals a more marketable property.

“The answer is simple – lower taxes equals a more marketable property.”

When buying a new home, most people take taxes into consideration. If your properties taxes are higher than the properties around it, there is a good chance prospective buyers will overlook your property and attempt to buy a property with lower taxes. On the flip side, competitive taxes in the area will make your home stand out among the other properties in the neighborhood.


Benefits Of Hiring An Experienced Tax Grievance Consultant

 Can you file a tax grievance on your own? Simply put – yes, you can. But why would you want to? When it comes to property taxes, there is a lot of legal jargon involved that the average person may not understand. This misunderstanding can lead to incorrectly filing, missing deadlines, and not having the upper hand with local court systems.

While it is very possible to file a tax grievance on your own, it is not recommended. After going through the process of filing for a tax grievance, it is up to the homeowners to provide information to the courts. Under NYS law, the property owners are responsible for providing the burden of proof, while there are professional assessors arguing against your case.

Hiring an experienced tax grievance specialist provides you with the knowledge necessary to win your tax grievance case. Without the training and education of a tax professional, you may not get the outcome you desire. Heller and Associates fight long and hard to get every property owner the tax reduction they desire.

What Are the Fees Involved With Filing a Tax Grievance?

The best part of working with Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance is their no-fee policy – you are only charged a service fee if your taxes are reduced after their efforts. Once your property taxes have been reduced, you will owe 50% of the reduction amount. For example, if Heller & Consultants were able to reduce your taxes by $3,000 per year, your fee would be $1,500 for their services.

Why Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance?

 The licensed professionals at Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance serve Suffolk and Nassau counties with an aggressive, ambitious mindset. Their goal is to reduce the client’s property taxes as low as legally possible.

Additionally, they hold the record reductions in both Nassau County of $73,000 a year and Suffolk of over $17,000 a year.  With over $30 million saved within the last 10 years, Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance strives every day to provide the best service to Long Island Residents.