Final Notice – File Nassau Tax Grievances by May 1st, 2013

Final Notice


Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance reminds Nassau residents that the deadline to grieve their property tax assessments is May 1, and urges all residents to file a grievance.  As documented by the Office of Legislative Budget Review (OLBR), over the past two years, over 90% of Nassau County residents challenging their assessment were awarded reductions, causing tax rates to skyrocket and the taxes of those who did not challenge to increase substantially.  County Executive Mangano’s policy of freezing assessments results in large tax increases to residents who do not challenge because of skyrocketing tax rates.

“over the past two years, over 90% of Nassau County residents challenging their assessment were awarded reductions”
“By freezing assessments in a depressed housing market and granting reductions to over 90% of those who challenge, the County Executive’s ‘reforms’ have made the system more broken than ever and increased taxes on those who do not challenge.  As such, it is incumbent upon residents to grieve their assessment to protect themselves from a steep tax hike,” said Legislator Dave Denenberg (D-Merrick).

This year, because of the devastation caused to the housing market by Super Storm Sandy, it is more important than ever to challenge.  Under County Executive Mangano’s frozen assessment system, a home’s former value is being used to determine a resident’s taxes, which value does not take into account changes in the real estate market caused by Irene and Sandy and the overall downward trend in the housing market.

“In the wake of Super Storm Sandy, of course values are down in south shore communities,” Leg. Denenberg said.  “Mr. Mangano’s frozen assessments are inaccurate by definition.  Any resident that does not grieve will be left paying for everyone else’s reductions.”

Heller & Consultants Tax Grievance is open Monday-Friday year round to answer any questions you may have concerning property taxes and is universally recognized as “The go to experts” on all matters relating to the grievance process.


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