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Nassau County 2020-21 Re-assessment & How It Affects You

Long Island Tax Grievance, Nassau Property Tax Grievance, News

These are confusing times to be a Nassau County taxpayer.  Recently you may have received a 2020-21 “Assessment Disclosure Notice” regarding the county’s recent reassessment from Nassau County Department of Assessment.

The letter you received pertains to the 2020-21 tax year, these tax bills are not released until October 1, 2020 (School)/January 2, 2021 (General).  It is impossible to project the actual effect the reassessment will have on you or any homeowner in Nassau County in these early stages, we won’t really have all the pieces to the puzzle until the 2020-21 tax rates are released.  One thing is clear, the tax rate for many neighborhoods is going to increase substantially if Nassau moves forward with its current plan.  This will be especially true without the proposed 5-year phase-in, should the NYS Legislature decide not to pass the proposed law to make the phase-in possible.

We strongly advise all Nassau homeowners to file a tax grievance application.

Bottom line, Nassau Homeowner’s will not know the full extent of the countywide reassessment until October 1, 2020.

(To print this article, Click HERE.)


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